Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 615.851:616–056.5

Pathokinesis of venous cerebral blood circulation disturbances

F.I. Todua, M.G. Kortushvili, I.V. Verulashvili, D.V. Berulava

Институт лучевой и интервенционной диагностики АН Грузии, Тбилисский государственный медицинский университет


Timely diagnosis of cerebral venous blood circulation disturbances plays an imporlani role in the management of cerebral vascular pathology. The objective of this work was to correlate the clinical and structural-functional data of cerebral venous ishaemia which at Neurology Department of Central Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical Universily and. Reseach Institute of Medical Radiology (neurology investigation, doppler ultrasound and neuroimaging of 833 patients). Summing up the results of correlate comparison we conclude that sonography of cerebral vessels, supported by data of clinical and neuroimaging investigation can detect various disturbances of blood circulation.


cerebral ishaemia, venous circulation, neuroimaging, doppler ultrasound


Кортушвили Марина Гивиевна – к.м.н., Тбилисский государственный медицинский университет,