UDK: 615.832.1:796.071.2
V. S. Bakulin
Волгоградская государственная академия физической культуры
The influence of sauna bath procedure in the morning (8 AM) on the external respiration, gas-energy exchange and cardiovascular system of 10 judo sportspersons performed on the next day after two incremental maximal cycle ergometer tests has been studied. It has been established that after the morning sauna bath procedure the maximal O2 uptake significantly increased the on the next morning.
sauna bath, maximum aerobic capacity, diurnal variations.
Бакулин Владимир Сергеевич — к. м. н., доцент, зав. кафедрой спортивной медицины, ЛФК и гигиены ВГАФК, e-mail: vgafk@vlink.ru.