Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 616.379–008.64:612.015.32

Diastolic disfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus type I: influence of disease duration and carbohydrate metabolism compensation

M.Yu. Kondratchenko

ГОУ ДПО ПИУВ Росздрава, г. Пенза


Early diagnostics of diastolic dysfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus is of primary significance. The present paper evaluates the influence of compensation of carbohydrate metabolism in patients with diabetes mellitus type I on intracardiac haemodynamics. In 153 patients with the diabetes mellitus significant changes of intracardiac blood flow in diastole was revealed.


diabetes mellitus type I, diastolic disfunction, carbolydrale metabolism


Кондраченко Марина Юрьевна – к.м.н., доцент кафедры терапии 2 ГОУ ДПО ПИУВ Росздрава,