UDK: 615.326:549.456.1:617.7
B. B. Sysuev, A. A. Spasov, I. U. Mitrofanova
Кафедра фармацевтической технологии и биотехнологии ВолгГМУ
Having carried out a complex technological and physicochemical study, we developed a technology of obtaining bischofite solution with glycyrrhizinic acid in the form of ophthalmological spray that can be used as an anti- inflammatory agent with pronounced anti-viral, immunomodulatory and reparative activity. The osmotic activity of two different solutions was studied and we chose the optimal composition, which may be recommended for treatment of purulent eye infection.
ophthalmological spray, mineral bishofite, glycyrrhizinic acid, osmotic activity
Сысуев Борис Борисович — кандидат фармацевтических наук, доцент кафедры фармацевтической технологии и биотехнологии ВолгГМУ, e-mail: bsb500@yandex.ru.