UDK: 615.83.03.616
I. V. Radysh, T. V. Koroteyeva, S. S. Kraiushkin, A. M. Hodorovich, J. S. Zhuravliova
Российский университет дружбы народов, Москва, кафедра амбулаторной и скорой медицинской помощи ВолгГМУ*
The article is devoted to a study of seasonal variations in blood hormone levels in healthy women. Is was established that leptin, insulin, C peptide, aldosterone and progesterone peaks are noted in winter, adiponectin, testosterone, estradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone — in summer, cortisole — in autumn, prolactin and luteinizing hormone — in spring. Thus statistically significant seasonal variations of hormone levels in healthy women in different phase of the menstrual cycle are revealed.
hormone levels, healthy women, menstrual cycle, seasonal rhythms, leptin, insulin, C peptide, aldosterone, progesterone, adiponectin, testosterone, estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone, cortisole, prolactin, luteinizing hormone.
Краюшкин Сергей Сергеевич – ассистент кафедры амбулаторной и скорой медицинской помощи ВолгГМУ, тел.: +7 (8442) 40-81-25.