UDK: 616-006-085
N. I. Miculyak, U. A. Kinzirskaya
Медицинский институт Пензенского государственного университета
The influence of a derivative of 3-oxyperidine of mexidol on animal lipid peroxidation in chemotherapy with doxorybicin was studied. It is shown that mexidol eliminates induced lipid peroxidation by doxorybicin, decreases the MDA lever, increases enzymatic activity of antioxidative protection both in the blood and in tissues and erythrocytes. This substantiates the use of mexidol in complex tumor treatment with lipid peroxidation activation by chemotherapy.
mexidol, doxorubicin, lipid peroxidation, MDA, antioxidative enzymes.
Микуляк Надежда Ивановна — к. б. н., доцент, зав. кафедрой физиологии человека Медицинского института Пензенского государственного университета, e-mail: normphys@mail.ru.