UDK: 612.17+612.8+612.2
Кубанский государственный медицинский университет
Dynamics of cardiorespiratory synchronism parameters indicated an decrease of functional and adaptiv e abilities in children with sinus node weakness syndrome from a low anxiety level to a high one. Clinical presentations changed in a similar manner: children with a low anxiety level had minimum complaints, but children with a high anxiety level had many different and multipronged complaints.
adaptation, sinus node weakness, children, anxiety level.
Бурлуцкая Алла Владимировна — к. м. н., ассистент кафедры педиатрии Краснодарского муниципального института Высшего сестринского образования, e-mail: Alla_Burluzkaya@krasnodar.oms.rgs.ru.