UDK: 612.014.43
V. S. Baculin, V. I. Makarov
Волгоградская государственная академия физической культуры
The effect of a single intake of piracetam (0,4 g), phenibut (0,25 g) and obsidan (0,08 g) on the thermal state, gas-energy exchange, cardiovascular system, physical working capacity and subjective status of 22 sportspersons performing submaximal physical loads in the ambient conditions of heightened temperature (31 ± 1) оC, high humidity (80 ± 1) % and low air movement (0,3 ± 0,1) m/s. It was established that these drugs increased thermoresistance, maintained a high level of physical working capacity and reduced the negative influence of hyperthermia on human subjective status. Obsidan produced a normalizing effect on the cardiovascular system during the development of hyperthermia.
thermal state, thermoresistance, gas-energy exchange, physical working capacity, pharmacological preparations.
Бакулин Владимир Сергеевич — к. м. н., доцент, зав. кафедрой спортивной медицины, ЛФК и гигиены ВГАФК, e-mail: vgafk@vlink.ru