UDK: 615.23:616.24
V. A. Lopukhova
Кафедра клинической фармакологии и интенсивной терапии ВолгГМУ
One-stage analytical pharmacoepidemiological research on a region level was carried out with a view of studying patients and doctors’ adherence to administered antiasthmatic therapies. The obtained results allow an estimate of compliance factors and possibilities of its improvement in patients with bronchial asthma in an out-patient department.
bronchial asthma, adherence to treatment, compliance.
Лопухова Виктория Александровна — к. м. н., докторант кафедры клинической фармакологии и интенсивной терапии ВолгГМУ, e-mail: tarivanvik@gmail.com