Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 616.13–08+612.12:616.12–008.331.1

Effect of quinapril on endothelial disfunction of arteries and functional condition of callicreine-kinine system in patients with arterial hypertension

S.V. Vorobiov, E.V. Mishina, J.V. Siritzina, Z.R. Gusova, N.A. Egorova

Ростовский государственный медицинский университет


The effect of quinapril on endothelial disfunction of arteries and functional condition of callicreine-kinine system in 38 patients with arterial hypertension was shown in the study. It was demonstrated that in patients with arterial hypertension endothelial disfunction is related to the changes in the system of the enzymatic cascade of bradikinine accumulation. The combined effect of studied indices on the developing endothelial disfunction in patients with arterial hypertension was significant. Estimation of prognostic value of changes in the callicreine-kinine system components in patients with arterial hypertension revealed that a decrease of precallicreine concentration in endothelial lesions is the most significant factor. In patients with arterial hypertension changes of vasodilating endothelium function were associated with the restoration of activity of callicreine-kinine system.


arterial hypertension, callicreine-kinine system, endothelium-dependent vasodilatation, quinapril
