UDK: 616-089.168.1-06:616.37-002
A. G. Beburishvili, E. N. Ziubina, M. I. Turovets, V. V. Mandrikov, N. S. Burchuladze, M. V. Gerasimov
Кафедра факультетской хирургии с курсом эндоскопической хирургии ФУВ ВолгГМУ, Клиника № 1 ВолгГМУ
205 patients were enrolled in the study which included endoscopic transpapillary intervention for correction of bile hypertension syndrome. The patients were divided into groups depending on the type of analgesia. The first group (n = 101, prospective study)included patients receiving epidural analgesia, the second group (n = 104, retrospective study) — narcotic analgesics. The results of the study have shown that epidural analgesia effectively reduces the risk of development of post-ERCP pancreatitis.
endoscopic transpapillary intervention, epidural analgesia, post-ERCP pancreatitis.
Туровец Михаил Иванович — врач анестезиолог-реаниматолог, соискатель ученой степени, к. м. н., e-mail: turovets_aro@mail.ru