UDK: 616.36-002-002(471.45)
E. A. Belikova, E. A. Ioannidi, V. K. Levshin, S. F. Popov
Кафедра инфекционных болезней с эпидемиологией и тропической медициной ВолгГМУ
The paper presents a study of clinical and epidemiological features of viral hepatitis with parenteral transmission mechanism in the Volgograd region. Prevalence of chronic hepatitis C over acute hepatitis C and over all forms of hepatitis B virus was revealed. Prevailing viral genotypes are assessed, as well as the age and gender characteristics of parenteral hepatitis in our region.
parenteral hepatitis, genotype of virus, vaccination
Беликова Екатерина Александровна — ассистент кафедры инфекционных болезней ВолгГМУ, e-mail: belikova.ea@mail.ru