UDK: 616.62-002:616-018
D. Y. Pushkar, A. V. Zaitsev, M. V. Kovylina, O. A. Tsybulya, A. O. Vasiliev
Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет
The aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic significance of biopsy in inflammatory diseases of the bladder. A review of 260 patients led to some practical conclusions. Biopsy of the bladder in chronic cystitis is not feasible. Biopsy of the bladder should be performed in patients with potentially possible loss of bladder function, as it significantly affects the treatment strategy and prognosis.
urinary bladder, biopsy, cystitis.
Цыбуля Оксана Анатольевна — аспирантка кафедры урологии лечебного факультета Московского государственного медико-стоматологического университета, e-mail: oksadoc@yandex.ru