Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 615.281-453.3.014.21-47

Justification of structure and antimicrobic activity of granules containing isoniazid and etambutole hydrochloride

L.P. Ovcharenko, E.V. Kompantseva, V.A. Ushakova, L.S. Kuznetsova

Пятигорская государственная фармацевтическая академия, г. Пятигорск


Research on development of the granules providing prolonged release of isoniazid and etambutole hydrochloride from a medical product was carried out for the purpose of improving the care of out-patients. During research the auxiliary substance and a dampener are chosen, the optimum structure of a medical product is developed.


tuberculosis, isoniazid, etambutol hydrochloride


Овчаренко Людмила Петровна – к.фарм.н., докторант кафедры фармацевтической химии ПятГФА,