UDK: 616.24-002-085.31:616.379-008.64
N. V. Rogova, N. V. Shmidt, I. V. Kulikova, V. O. Ostrovskaya, V. I. Statsenko
Кафедра клинической фармакологии и интенсивной терапии ВолгГМУ
Retrospective pharmacoepidemiological study of antibiotic consumption in community-acquired pneumonia in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 in hospitals of Volgograd was performed. Administration of antibiotics in hospitals ranged from 108,9 to 173,3 with mean of 130,6 ± 29,3 DDD/100 bed-days. Cephalosporins were the most frequently used antibiotics (46,2 %). Penicillins, quinolones and macrolides were prescribed in 6,6, 14,5, 21,7 and 2,7 % for severe CAP, and 7,5, 20,2, 11,7, 7,4 % for non-severe CAP, respectively. The obtained data on the structure and volume of consumptions of antibiotics can be used for improvement of quality of pharmacotherapy of CAP for the given group of patients.
community-acquired pneumonia, diabetes mellitus, antibacterial therapy, pharmacoepidemiological study.
Шмидт Наталья Васильевна — соискатель кафедры клинической фармакологии и интенсивной терапии с курсами клинической фармакологии ФУВ, клинической аллергологии ФУВ ВолгГМУ, e-mail: natalyashmidt@mail.ru