UDK: 616.248–053.2:615
Ростовский государственный медицинский университет
SaviskoThe results of 10-year comparative observation of approaches to basic anti-inflammatory therapy for children with asthma were presented. In 2000 417 patients with asthma were analyzed. The analysis revealed the dynamics of increasing the number of patients with a mild course of disease and the dynamics of decreasing for patients with medium and serious degree. Inhalation glucocorticosteroids became the main group of drugs in basic therapy including patients with mild forms of the disease. The main part of patients with severe forms received combination drugs (inhalation glucocorticosteroids + prolonged 2-agonist). The rate of administration of leukotrien receptor antagonists grew considerably.
children, bronchial asthma, treatment
Лебеденко Александр Анатольевич — к. м. н., доцент, зав. кафедрой детских болезней №2 РостГМУ, e-mail: leb.rost@rambler.ru