UDK: 615.838.7 + 615.838 — 053.3
N. M. Kovalenko, A. F. Neretina
Воронежская государственная медицинская академия им. Н. Н. Бурденко
Complex restorative treatment with a course of mud therapy in children with diseases of the respiratory system has a strong therapeutic effect. Dynamics of clinical and laboratory tests on the basis of basal and pelotherapy with silt mud is similar to basis therapy with clay and sulfur. Statistically significant results are superior to the effectiveness of the complex basic therapy.
complex, basic therapy, children, pelotherapy, mud therapy.
Коваленко Наталья Михайловна — к. м. н., доцент, соискатель кафедры педиатрии лечебного ф-та ВГМА им. Н.Н.Бурденко, e-mail: panacea.k@googlemail.com