UDK: 616.348-002.4-053.31-074
I. Ju. Karpov, V. V. Parshikov
Нижегородская государственная медицинская академия, г. Нижний Новгород
80 newborns with necrotizing enterocolitis were observed from 2006—2009 in Nizhniy Novgorod Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital № 1. The analysis of parameters of blood was carried out with the help of standard methods developed for public health care services. The data of laboratory diagnostics reflected a picture of inflammatory process, but were not specific for necrotizing enterocolitis. Conservative therapy was effective in 58 (72,5 %) cases, 22 (27,5 %) patient were operated on. In postoperative period mortality was 50 %.
necrotizing enterocolitis, newborn, blood test.
Карпова Ирина Юрьевна — к. м. н., ассистент кафедры детской хирургии Нижегородской государственной медицинской академии, e-mail: ikarpova73@mail.ru