UDK: 616.62-003.7-089.879
A.A. Polyantsev, S.A. Kostromeev, D.N. Sidorov
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, КБ№3 ФГУ «Южный окружной медицинский центр Росздрава», г. Волгоград
Formation of concrements in the urinary tract is a widely spread pathology effecting people all over the world. Less invasive methods made the treatment of urolithiasis almost save. We studied 630 cases when rigid ureterorenoscopy was used for lithotripsy and diagnostics of other diseases of upper urinary tract. Being widely used in the urology department this method helped to decrease occurrence of surgical intervention and hospital stay for 43.5%.
urolithiasis, ureterorenoscopy, ureterolithotripsy
Полянцев Александр Александрович, ВолГМУ, заведующий кафедрой общей хирургии с урологией, д.м.н, профессор, адрес: ул. Ангарская 13 , тел. 32-51-37