UDK: УДК 615:616.379-008.64
K. V. Lenskaya, A. A. Spasov, N. I. Cheplyaeva
It is well known that diabetes mellitus is a heterogenous disease; its main forms are diabetes mellitus type I and II. Of all diabetic patients, about 90 % have diabetes mellitus type II. Most of hypoglycemic agents administered nowadays in antidiabetic therapy of type Ii, cause development of tolerance, gastrointestinal disorders, lactic acidosis, cardiac insufficiency, fluid retention,weight gain, idiosyncrasy; they also promote atherosclerosis. These data indicate a need for searching for new groups of hypoglycemic agents and development of new hypoglycemic drugs.
diabetes mellitus type II, hypoglycemic agents, therapy, tolerance, lactic acidosis, cardiac insufficiency, atherosclerosis, intolerance.
Ленская Карина Владимировна — кандидат биологических наук, ассистент кафедры фармакологии ВолгГМУ, e-mail: kina81@mail.ru