UDK: УДК 547.745+615.212
E. B. Levandovskaya, V. N. Vichegjanina, V. L. Gein, B. Ya. Syropyatov
Пермская государственная фармацевтическая академия
Interaction of 5-aryl-4-aroyl-3-hydroxy-1-(2,2-dimethoxyethyl)-3-pyrrol-2-ones with aromatic amines leads to formation of 3-arylaminoderivatives. The analgetic activity of compounds is investigated. The relationship between chemical structure of 5-aryl-4-aroyl-3-arylamino-1-(2,2-dimethoxyethyl)-3-pyrrol-2-ones and analgetic activity was studied.
5-aryl-4-aroyl-3-arylamino-1-(2,2-dimethoxyethyl)-3-pyrrol-2-ones, aromatic amines, analgetic activity.
Левандовская Елена Болеславовна — к. ф. н., докторант кафедры физической и коллоидной химии, e-mail: elenalevandovskaya@yandex.ru