UDK: УДК 618.3-008.6:618.29
V. I. Karamysheva, L. B. Ivanova, V. N. Perfilova
Кафедра фармакологии и биофармации факультета усовершенствования врачей, Научно-исследовательский институт фармакологии ВолгГМУ
We researched the influence of GABA derivatives on rat delivery in experimental gestosis and on the physical and mental development of their posterity. It is revealed that the compound RSPU-152 decreases the rate of still birth 8 times better in comparison with the negative control group. The compound RSPU-151 is conducive to the increase of the physical and mental development of the posterity, which is indicated by a higher muscle strength, position-finding activity, a longer latent period of entering the dark chamber in the passive avoidance test in comparison with the control group posterity with gestosis. The obtained results are comparable with the effect of sulodexide, the drug of comparison.
gestosis, GABA derivatives, physical and mental development of posterity.
Перфилова Валентина Николаевна – к. б. н., старший научный сотрудник кафедры фармакологии и биофармации ФУВ, e-mail: vnperfilova@mail.ru