UDK: УДК 611.441.071
S. A. Zmeyev, E. D. Lutaya, A. I. Krayushkin, A. V. Glinskaya
Кафедра анатомии человека ВолгГМУ
The study considers the results of investigating the volume and shape of lobes of the thyroid gland in children and teenagers of both sexes, aged 8—15 and living in the Volgograd region. We revealed a predominance of right-sided asymmetry fraction of thyroid volume in children and adolescents aged 8—15. It is shown that the shape of thyroid lobes in the investigated group of children and teenagers aged 8—15 approximated a correct ellipsoid in shape. The results confirm the validity of the formula by C. L. Brown (1981) for calculating the volume of the thyroid.
thyroid gland, ultrasound morphometry.
Змеев Сергей Анатольевич — аспирант кафедры анатомии человека ВолгГМУ, e-mail: zmeeva.elena@gmail.com