UDK: УДК 614.2:616-002.5-084
Московский городской научно-практический центр борьбы с туберкулезом Департамента здравоохранения
During the 12-year study (1997—2008) we evaluated the dynamics of major statistical parameters and described them using the criteria of effectiveness of timely detection of pulmonary TB cases by therapeutic-and-prophylactic institutions of Moscow, including 16 TB dispensaries.The principal method of TB detection among adults was radiology (X-ray, fluorography). To evaluate the results of case detection we proposed a complex of criteria, both external (incidence and clinical structure of pulmonary TB, proportions of patients, who died from TB, unknown to dispensaries or during the first year of follow-up), and internal ones (concordance between cases subject to X-ray/fluorography screening to the absolute amount of examined patients, the percentage of implementation of preventive screening plan and the population coverage by fluorography, the proportion of TB risk groups among the population and their coverage by X-ray/fluorography screening, the proportion of targeted populations and their coverage by X-ray/fluorography).
radiology method of TB detection, preventive X-ray/fluorography screening, external and internal criteria for evaluation of pulmonary TB case detection effectiveness.
Кочеткова Елена Яковлевна — к. м. н., заведующая отделом организации и контроля за проведением противотуберкулезных мероприятий в г. Москве МНПЦ борьбы с туберкулезом, e-mail: mnрcbt-omo@yandex.ru