UDK: УДК 612.821
D. V. Berdnikov, I. I. Bobyntsev
Курский государственный медицинский университет
We studied the way the temperament influences the processes of comprehension self-regulation. It was established that high performance, the way of achieving it, the ability to learn and sensitivity to external feedback depend on the temperament features providing high adaptivity: vigorousness, adjustment, realism, emotional balance and stability, psychovegetative stability. General plasticity of comprehension is associated with flexibility, emotional dynamism and instability, energy saturation and resistance to external influences.
adaptation, self-regulation, functional system, feedback, comprehension, temperament.
Бердников Дмитрий Валерьевич — к. м. н., ведущий эксперт Курской лаборатории судебной медицины Минюста России, e-mail: berdnikov@rambler.ru