Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 616.61-002-02:618.3:615.28

Antibacterial chemotherapy of serous forms of acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy

Loktionova S.I., Rerekin I.A.

ОГУЗ «Орловская областная клиническая больница», г. Орел


Infections of urinary system at pregnancy make one of the major problems of obstetrics, nephrology and urology. Acute pyelonephritis comes to 1-12 % of the pregnant. Serous forms of an inflammation of rens can be treated with conservative methods. The basic means of treatment of a pyelonephritis of pregnant are antibiotics. The given research is based on studying of efficiency and safety of the basic antibiotics used now for treatment of acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy. It is shown, that the most effective antibiotics are cefalosporines of the II generation and aminopenicilline + beta-laktamase-inhibitor, cefalosporines of the I generation is less effective.


acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy, antibiotic therapy


Ререкин И.А. - д.м.н., врач-гинеколог (4862) 76-09-47, 55-38-57,