UDK: УДК 616-018.2-007.17:616.9:612.44+612.018:616.8
M. A. Gurmach, P. A. Chizhov, M. P. Smirnova, T. V. Medvedeva
Ярославская государственная медицинская академия
We studied the rate of infectious and inflammatory diseases, its dependence on thyroid hormone levels and the presence of vegetative dysfunction in 181 patients with dysplasia of the connective tissue of heart (DCTH). It is established that patients with different DCTH develop infectious and inflammatory diseases significantly more often than individuals without DCTH. In individuals with DCTH we revealed dependence between a triple rate of AVRI or chronic bronchitis, and the thyroid hormone levels as well as an association between the rate of chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis and peptic ulcer disease, and the presence of vegetative dysfunction.
dysplasia of the connective tissue of the heart, rate of infectious and inflammatory diseases, thyroid hormones, vegetative dysfunction.
Гурмач Марина Анатольевна — очный аспирант кафедры факультетской терапии Ярославской государственной медицинской академии, e-mail: margur1411@rambler.ru