UDK: УДК 613.314-007.285-089.23
N. V. Lapina
Кубанский государственный медицинский университет
This research is devoted to studying the possibility of adaptation of occlusal relations in orthopedic patients with partial edentia with drug-compensated diabetes mellitus, hyperacid gastritis and neurotic disorder. Occlusal splints for adaptation of the periodontium and neuromuscular system were manufactured for one group. The second group of people did not receive an occlusal splint, 72 %of them had exacerbation of pain. Those patients received a prosthesis in 6—8 weeks, after stabilization of the general state of health.Selective grinding of teeth in patients with accompanying diseases and partial edentia had to be made with supervision of occlusal splints to achieve a stable occlusion, which prevents a development of symptoms of articular muscle dysfunction.
occlusion, selective grinding, diabetes, hyperacid gastritis, neurotic dysfunction.
Лапина Наталья Викторовна — к. м. н., доцент кафедры пропедевтики и профилактики стоматологических заболеваний ГОУ ВПО КубГМУ Минздравсоцразвития России.