UDK: 615.015:615.262.1:616.72-002-085.262.1
V. I. Petrov, E. V. Cherevkova, K. S. Solodenkova, A. R. Babaeva
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет
Up-to-date achievements in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment are based on development and clinical implementation of a novel class of disease-modifying drugs which are known as biological agents. Multi-component preparations from this group contain specific monoclonal antibodies against different key molecules such as pro-inflammatory cytokines, cytokine receptors or immune cells receptors. Biological agents offer a good chance of increasing the effecti veness of RA therapy, preventing disease progression and even of controlling the process in early RA. Since biological agents can produce severe side-effects, specialists should use them with caution according to recommendations. A recent advance in the management of RA is described as well as promising investigations in this direction.
rheumatoid arthritis, pharmacotherapy, biological agents.
Бабаева Аида Руфатовна – д. м. н., профессор, зав. кафедрой факультетской терапии Волгоградского медицинского государственного университета, e-mail: arbabaeva@list.ru