UDK: 616.37-002-089
I. N. Klimovich, G. I. Zhidovinov, S. S. Maskin, I. A. Dubrovin, K. I. Klimovich
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра госпитальной хирургии ВолгГМУ
The research included 162 patients with acute pancreatitis of various aetiology treated in the clinic of hospital surgery from 2002 to 2010. To correct the syndrome of intestinal insufficiency 94 (58 %) patients receiving standard therapy were administered presacral multicomponent novocain block. This reduced the risk of development of multiple organ dysfunction from 26 to 20,2 %, infected pancreatitis from 15,4 to 10,8 % and mortality rate from 8,8 to 5,3 %.
acute pancreatitis, syndrome of intestinal insufficiency, presacral multicomponent novocain block.
Климович Игорь Николаевич – д. м. н., доцент кафедры госпитальной хирургии Волгоградского государственного медицинского университета, e-mail: klimovichigor1122@yandex.ru