UDK: 617.741-004.1:615.273.55
I. A. Gndoyan
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра офтальмологии
Results of fibrinoid syndrome treatment after cataract extraction in 64 patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome are represented. The main directions of treatment were anti-inflammatory therapy, fibrinolytic therapy and IAG-laser destruction of fibrinous elements in the eye anterior chamber. A comparative study of two fibrinolytics efficiency was performed: geamase and trombovazim. Trombovazim showed the advantage of accelerating treatment and improving the mode of drug delivery. The preoperative use of trombovazim in patients with fibrinoid syndrome risk factors led to a significant decrease of its development rate in the postoperative period.
cataract extraction, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, fibrinoid syndrome, fibrinolyitics, trombovazim.
Гндоян Ирина Асатуровна — к. м. н., доцент кафедры офтальмологии, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: volgophthalm@mail.ru