UDK: 616.928.8:616.9-036.2.
N. M. Drefs, V. A. Antonov, I. A. Barkova, E. A. Snatenkov, T. V. Bulatova, N. P. Khrapova, V. P. Smelyansky
Волгоградский научно-исследовательский противочумный институт, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра молекулярной биологии и генетики
The aim of this work was to evaluate the informativeness of the results of ELISA obtained by experimental and commercial test kits designed to detect immunoglobulins to the West Nile fever agent. To obtain an accurate laboratory diagnosis in the first days after infection two variants of test kits «Anti-West Nile Virus ELISA (IgM)»+«Avidity Anti-West Nile Virus (IgG) ELISA» («Euroimmun AG», Germany) should be used preferably. In the last stages of disease and after the transferred infection we recommend setting of ELISA using the complex of following immunoenzyme kits: «Anti-West Nile Virus ELISA (IgG)»+«Avidity Anti-West Nile Virus (IgG) ELISA»(«Euroimmun AG», Germany).
West Nile Virus, IgM, IgG , enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Дрефс Наталья Михайловна — к. б. н., ст. науч. сотр. лаб. иммунодиагностики и биотехнологии ВолгоградНИПЧИ, ассистент кафедры молекулярной биологии и генетики ВолгГМУ, e-mail: drefsntl@mail.ru