Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 616.379-008.64:616.12-008.331.3:616.18-018.74

Vasomotor function of endothelium function in diabetes mellitus and arteria hypertension

Vorobjev S.V., Mishina E.V. Syritzina Yu.V.

Ростовский государственный медицинский университет


The data on vasomotor reactivity of aa. humeri, intimomedial complex thickness of aa. carotis and pulse wave distribution rapidity in patients with diabetes mellitus 2 associated with hypertension or its lack (n = 48) are summarized in the study. In patients with diabetes mellitus 2 complicated by hypertension associated with limited dilatation after occlusion, nitrogenii oxydum (NO) action, intimomedial complex thickness increase in aa. carotis. Dilatation reserve exhaustion in patients with diabetes mellitus 2 and hypertension correlated with such BP monitoring parameters as night BP load, morning BP rise value and rapidity are investigated.



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