UDK: 615.272.4:547.785.5:547.56
A. A. Orlova, V. A. Kosolapov
Кафедра фармакологии ВолГМУ
Abstract. Antioxidant properties of a new compound, coded as RU-1249 containing stericly hindered phenolic group in its structure, as well as reference drugs dibunol and trolox were studied in vitro in concentration of 10 M. It was established that RU-1249 compound showed a very high antioxidant activity (89,2 % inhibition) on the ascorbate-induced lipid peroxidation model, surpassing dibunol (75,9 %) and trolox (61,9 %). While studying the mechanisms of its action, it was shown that RU-1249 compound inhibited lipoperoxyl radical on vitelline lipoprotein chemiluminescent models (79,3 %), second to dibunol (84,1 %) and trolox (84,2 %); it was also shown that RU-1249 compound is an effective interceptor of reactive oxygen forms (74,5 %), which was shown on Fe2+-luminol dependant chemiluminescence, exceeding dibunol (57,1 %) and trolox (61,5 %) in this kind of activity.
antioxidant properties, free radicals, reactive oxygen species, phenolic antioxidants
Кафедра фармакологии ВолГМУ