UDK: 576.2: 796 — 055.2
V. B. Mandrikov, R. P. Samusev, E. V. Zubareva, E. S. Rudaskova, G. A. Adelshina
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра физического воспитания и здоровья, Волгоградская государственная академия физической культуры
Somatometric examination of 167 students of both sexes from a Physical Education Institute was conducted. Girls who do not do sports were predominantly mesomorphs while young men were mostly andromorphs. Girls who do sports showed changes in the indicators of sexual dimorphism whose degree depends on their somatotype.
somatometry, body type, regular physical activity, sexual dimorphism.
Самусев Рудольф Павлович — д. м. н., профессор кафедры анатомии и физиологии, Волгоградская академия физической культуры, e-mail: vgafk@vlink.ru