UDK: 615.31:546.46+616.33-003.96-092.4
L. N. Rogova, N. V. Grigoryeva, V. V. Hermylov, V. N. Povetkina
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра патологической физиологии
It was determined that magnesium containing medicinal composition reduced the area of gastric ulcer in resistant and nonresistant rats. At the same time resistant rats showed a higher Mg2+ content in red blood cells from Vs and Vp as well as a greater magneuresis in combination with an increased concentration of Ca2+ in intestinal lymph and in the daily volume of urine. Nonresistant rats showed a decreased Mg2+ concentration in plasma from Vs and Vp, in lymph from common intestinal lymphatic duct; the daily volume of urine decreases while Ca2+ concentration of in biological liquids increases.
gastric ulcer, magnesium, calcium, bischofite, stress resistant rats, stress nonresistant rats.
Поветкина Виктория Николаевна — ассистент кафедры патологической физиологии, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: vnpovetkina@gmail.com