UDK: 616.24:616.12:611-018.74
A. Kh. Akhmineeva, O. S. Polunina
Астраханская государственная медицинская академия
In this study we investigated the relationship between gene VNTR-polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, and the level of endothelin-1 in plasma as a marker of endothelial dysfunction in patients with respiratory-cardiac co-morbidity,namely in patients with a combination of COPD + HD, COPD + IHD. We revealed an effect of VNTR-polymorphism on production of endothelin-1 in somatically healthy individuals, patients with mononosology (HD, IHD, COPD) and in patients with combinations of COPD + HD, COPD + IHD. No significant effect of VNTR- polymorphism on the level of endothelin-1 and development of endothelial dysfunction in patients with comorbid combination of COPD + HD was revealed. At the same time it was found that the presence of 4a/4b genotype causes the development of IHD in patients with COPD, and it also promotes overproduction of endothelin-1 in patients with comorbid combination of COPD + IHD, i.e. enhances the severity of endothelial dysfunction.
VNTR-polymorphism, endothelin-1, respiratory-cardiac comorbidity.
Ахминеева Азиза Халиловна — к. м. н., доцент кафедры факультетской терапии и профессиональных болезней с курсом последипломного образования, Астраханская государственная медицинская академия, e-mail: aaziza@mail.ru