UDK: 612.821
D. V. Berdnikov
Курский государственный медицинский университет
The peculiarities of interaction of self-regulation processes of different individuality levels have been studied. It was established that external feedback acts as a trigger organizing the interaction of different levels of self-regulation, and the interrelations occurring between them depend on the qualitative activity specificity. It was also determined that the regulatory functions of the acceptor of action result underlie the processes of the realized behavior regulation, and are subject to their return effects which is in conformity with the principles of the systemic concept of human adaptation.
adaptation, self-regulation, functional system, feedback.
Бердников Дмитрий Валерьевич — к. м. н, ведущий эксперт Курской лаборатории судебной экспертизы Минюста России, e-mail: berdnikov@rambler.ru