UDK: 616.12-008.46-085.31:616.379-008.64
M. E. Statsenko, A. A. Vinnikova, B. A. Lempert, A. M. Ronskaya
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра пропедевтики внутренних болезней педиатрического и стоматологического факультетов
We have studied the effect of Dibikor in the therapy of patients with chronic heart failure and diabetes mellitus type 2 in the early postinfarction period. Dibikor (1 g/day for 16 weeks) in these patients especially with spastic type of microcirculation (MC)exerted a positive effect on the characteristics of MC. There occurred a redistribution of types of MC with an increase in the proportion of normocirculatory type and a decrease in the spastic type. Research has demonstrated that Dibikor therapy improves blood vessel stiffness and endothelial cell function.
diabetes mellitus, chronic heart failure, microcirculation, blood vessel stiffness, Dibikor.
Винникова Анна Александровна — очный аспирант кафедры внутренних болезней педиатрического и стоматологического факультетов, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: anna.vinnikova@bk.ru