UDK: 611.428 3+538.2
N. G. Krajushkina, L. I. Aleksandrova, V. L. Zagrebin, A. A. Nesterova, N. A. Muraeva
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра гистологии, эмбриологии, цитологии, кафедра анатомии человека
An experimental study of the reaction of mesenteric lymph nodes to the effects of anthropogenic electromagnetic fields was carried out. The phasic type of reaction of lymphoid nodules areas of mesenteric lymph nodes was observed by increasing the duration of the experiment. The significance of the impact of alternating electromagnetic field of industrial frequency defining the nature of the described morphological changes of mesenteric lymph nodes is shown, depending on the time of exposure,with the most pronounced changes in planimetric parameters observed upon exposure to an alternating electromagnetic field of industrial frequency up to 14 days.
mesenteric lymph nodes, lymphoid nodules, electromagnetic field.
Краюшкина Наталья Геннадьевна — ст. преп. кафедры гистологии, эмбриологии, цитологии, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: krayushkin_ai@mail.ru