UDK: 316: 61
Северный государственный медицинский университет, Архангельск
The article reviews behavioural patterns of the consumers of mental health services based on comparing the lifestyles of mentally healthy and mentally ill people. In comparison with healthy individuals the lifestyle of a mentally ill person is characterized by greater health risks, lack of adequate medical support and poor compliance with treatment. The main reasons for irrational behavior include lack of mental illness awareness and poor staff-patient interaction at a psychiatric hospital.
consumers of mental health services, a lifestyle, behavioural patterns, health risk factors, medical support, compliance with treatment.
Смирнова Елена Алексеевна — аспирант кафедры общественного здоровья, здравоохранения и социальной работы, Северный государственный медицинский университет, г. Архангельск, e-mail: Smirnova56@yandex.ru