UDK: 618.33
N. A. Altynnik, Y. V. Shatokha
Институт повышения квалификации Федерального медико-биологического агентства РФ, кафедра ультразвуковой и пренатальной диагностики, Москва
А double aortic arch (DAA) was identified in 6 fetuses at 20—33 weeks of gestation. All fetuses with DAA during ultrasound examination revealed a vascular ring across three vessels and trachea. The trachea was located between the vessels.In 4 cases the diagnosis of DAA was made in the second trimester of gestation. All fetuses had normal intracardiac anatomy and 1 was associated with single umbilical artery. In 2 (33,3 %) cases the abnormal location of cross section of the thoracic aorta was revealed and anomalous values of the axis of the heart were reported only in 1 (16,7 %) of the 6 fetuses. Fetal DAA can be prenatally diagnosed during the second screening examination using the three-vessel and trachea view.
fetus, congenital heart defects, double aortic arch, prenatal diagnosis.
Алтынник Наталья Анатольевна — д. м. н., профессор кафедры ультразвуковой и пренатальной диагностики, Институт повышения квалификации ФМБА РФ, Москва, е-mail: Natalia_altynnik@mail.ru