UDK: 616.89-008.441.13
S. A. Veshneva
Правобережная больница ФГУ «Южный окружной медицинский центр Федерального медико-биологического агентства России», Астрахань
The questionnaire survey of 328 relatives of drug-addicted patients revealed that healthcare providers were considered as main agents of resocialization by them. However, their work was not found to be effective enough. A considerably fewer part of drug-addicts were provided with assistance from religious and social organizations despite the fact that they badly need it.
relatives of drug-addicted patients, treatment and rehabilitation, questionnaire survey.
Вешнева Светлана Александровна — к. м. н., главный врач, Правобережная больница ФГУ «Южный окружной медицинский центр Федерального медико-биологического агентства России», e-mail: veshneva@mail.ru