UDK: 616.728.3
A. B. Velichkina, V. I. Nahaev, N. V. Yarygin, Yu. V. Duzhinskaya
Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет им. А. И. Евдокимова
The work presents the results of a comparative study of regenerative treatment of post-traumatic osteoarthritis of knee joints using a gomeosineartrical treatment option and physical therapy as an alternative treatment for the same nosological entity contrasted to the conventional complex of treatment of patients with different stages of deforming knee osteoarthritis.Thus, the combined use of gomeosineartrical and physical therapy results in a significant improvement in clinical, instrumental and functional parameters in patients. Graduated, moderate exercise can significantly reduce pain and increase the range of motion in joints. In addition, it is nearly the only method of treatment that does not incur significant financial costs to treat complications and side-effects of NSAIDs. If the patient is actively involved in the treatment these special exercises can be used for a long time.
deforming osteoarthritis, gomeosineartry, physiotherapy.
Величкина Антонина Борисовна — к. м. н., ассистент кафедры медицины катастроф и обеспечения жизнедеятельности, Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет им. А. И. Евдокимова, e-mail: ant-velichkina@yandex.ru