UDK: 612.821.3:612.17:614.231.25
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра нормальной физиологии
We found that individuals who were predisposed to risky behaviors constituted 15 % of all study subjects. Following exposure to stress in individuals who were predisposed to risky behaviors the activity of regulatory system, sympathetic nervous system tone as well as vagal control of heart rate increased, whereas the impact of higher autonomic centers on cardiovascular subcortical center decreased.
heart rate, predisposition for risky behaviors.
Миронова Юлия Владиславовна – аспирант кафедры нормальной физиологии, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: mironovavoice03@yandex.ru