Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 616.34–008.14/.15

Constipation: clinical characteristics, diagnostics, non-medication treatment

P.A. Bakumov

Кафедра общей врачебной практики и профессиональных заболеваний ВолГМУ


In the review devoted to problems of diagnostics and non-drug treatment of chronic constipation modern view on the pathogenesis of constipation is presented. Principles of diagnostics and approaches to treatment of constipation in elderly patients are considered. Most common complications of chronic and acute constipation, like coprostasis are evaluated.


constipation, diagnostics, clinical picture, non-drug treatment


Бакумов Павел Анатольевич - д.м.н., профессор, зав. кафедрой общей врачебной практики и профессиональных заболеваний ВолГМУ