UDK: 61:612.272.3
A. A. Spasov, A. I. Rashchenko
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра фармакологии
Non-enzymatic glycation of proteins is involved in the development of diabetes complications (angiopathy, cataract,ratinopathy, nephropathy, etc.), Alzheimer’s disease (glycated formation of neurotoxic -amyloid) and cancer. This process is also involved in the physiological aging of the body. To date, the development of drugs that contribute to the restoration of the structure and functions of structural proteins remains a pressing issue.
diabetes, advance glycation end products, crosslink breakers.
Ращенко Андрей Игоревич — к. фарм. н., с. н. с. лаборатории фармакологии антиоксидантных средств НИИ фармакологии ВолгГМУ, ассистент кафедры фармакологии, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: a.rashencko@yandex.ru