UDK: 614.27:658.628:659.113.26
S. K. Aslanyants, V. L. Adzhienko, V. V. Kulik
Пятигорский медико-фармацевтический институт — филиал ГБОУ ВПО ВолгГМУ Минздрава России, г. Пятигорск
We carried out the analysis of the structure of the nomenclature of children’s medicines registered in the Russian Federation, taking into account the sources they were obtained from, form of presentation, manufacturing countries and their pharmacological groups.
requirements for children’s dosage forms, nomenclature of paediatric dosage forms, structure of the nomenclature of paediatric dosage forms, manufacturing countries.
Асланянц Сергей Кароевич — аспирант Пятигорского медико-фармацевтического института — филиала ГБОУ ВПО ВолгГМУ Минздрава России, e-mail: amiroftroy@yandex.ru