UDK: 576.2:796-055.2
R. P. Samusev, E. V. Zubareva, E. S. Rudaskova, G. A. Adelshina
Кафедра анатомии и физиологии ВГАФК, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра анатомии человека
An estimated 180 individuals from various age groups (from adolescents to elderly) without any heart disease underwent echocardiography. We identified age-related structural changes in the left ventricle which are manifested by hypertrophy of its posterior wall and interventricular septum, reaching the maximum values after 75 years. The data obtained can be used as age-specific normal values for the left ventricle.
echocardiography, left ventricle, age-related changes.
Самусев Рудольф Павлович — д. м. н., профессор, Волгоградская государственная академия физической культуры, e-mail: vgafk@vlink.ru