UDK: 591.483:591.471.372:599.73
1Курский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра гистологии, эмбриологии, цитологии, 2Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет имени И. М. Сеченова, кафедра гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии
The article reviews a comprehensive study of the microstructure of the peripheral nerves of the brachial plexus which innervates flexor muscles in the middle third of the shoulder. We identified significant differences in the morphological structure of the nerve bundles, neural membranes, including paraneural connective tissue, in animals with a various degree of motor activity of the thoracic limb. There is morphological evidence of bilateral asymmetry, and we identified the functional role of paraneural fascial cellular space.
perineurium, epineurium, paraneurium, neurovascular bundle, peripheral flexor nerves, cell index.
Затолокина Мария Алексеевна — к. м. н., доцент кафедры гистологии, цитологии, эмбриологии, Курский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: marika1212@mail.ru